When Donors Attack…

Julie James has asked a question about the rights of Donors of archives when they visit us to consult their material. I thought I would post a brief summary of our approach to this matter for your edification.

Donors need to view the material they have given to the library under the same circumstances as everyone else. This means that they need to register, view the material in the secure reading room and cannot take material out of the library without express permission. There is a whole procedure for off-site loans so such requests should go through me in the first instance if donors want to borrow back material for whatever reason. I should note, though, that I am pretty strict about not allowing material off-site aside from some special circumstances (i.e. an exhibition in a reputable institution).

In order that desk staff are clear who donors are when they consult material, and what they have donated, I will indicate this in the notes field on the archives held out report and/or through the blog.

Donors do have some special privileges in relation to copying from their own records (and only their own records). I have tried to summarizes these privileges below.

Donors are entitled to request copies of their own records, within reason. Generally speaking staff should direct donors to use the normal copying request system as this makes things easier for everyone. We will provide up to 25 photocopies free of charge to Donors from their own records in any given year, beyond that Donors will have pay the normal rates. Digital copying will be charged at the normal rate.

If Donors just want a few copies of selected items on the spot I will sometimes do this for them then and there. It very much depends on the circumstances. If, for instance, there is back-up about (in the form of myself or another staff member) then we can provide the copies immediately, if we are pushed for staff and time they will have to wait, sometimes I will tell them to come back later in the day (I find most people understand in those circumstances). Basically you should use your discretion as to what you think is reasonable in the circumstances. If this more informal route is taken I still need to have a record of what has been copied, for whom and for what purpose so I still need the copying request forms to be completed.

Sometimes Donors will want to copy items from the collections they have donated themselves using a causal photocopying card. Generally, I am okay with this if they are photocopying single, flat sheets of paper post 1950. Pre 1950 material, material that is obviously fragile and/or material that is bound needs to be photocopied by a member of staff for conservation reasons. Again, this requires desk staff to exercise some judgment – I suggest you err on the side of caution but use your common sense, which I am sure you all have in abundance.

If you have any other requests with regard to Donor matters please feel free to ask them in the comments below and I will attempt a reply!

2 thoughts on “When Donors Attack…”

  1. What about archives with restrictions? Do we have to ask them for proof they are who they say they are? aand if they provide it I assume we are safe to go ahead with the copying?I am thinking of the situation we had the other day…..

  2. If the user is registered as an archives user they should have already provided proof that they are who they say they are, and this will be recorded on the registration form. They should also have an archives user number and/or card to confirm their registration. Remember, no user should be issued an archive without either producing an archives user number and/or or filling out a registration form with the necessary identification provided.

    If they forget their archives number or their archives card, but their name appears on the archives held out report, then you should ask them for identification (driver’s license, canterbury card etc) if they can’t provide identification you will need to ask them to see me in the first instance or Max or Jill if I am not around.

    If there are any restrictions on copying this will be indicated in the archives held out report in either the restriction field or the notes field. Otherwise it is safe to assume that copying is okay.

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