1 hour loans

Tonight horizon would not let me issue a 1 hour loan from physical science location at 8:15 pm, I got a message saying it was to late to issue 1 hour loans as they can’t go over night.
does anyone else think this is a problem?

2 thoughts on “1 hour loans”

  1. Patrick, I’m assuming this was a 1 hour book rather than a photocopy. If it happens again try it on RL location. The system doesn’t allow one hour loans to go overnight but should allow them to be issued for a reduced period of time during the last hour before closing.
    If you are able to issue them I am happy for them to be edited to go out overnight. I will play around with it on my late night and see what happens.

  2. I tested this last night. Because Central Library closes at 10pm Restricted Loans location also ‘closes’ at 10 pm. Therefore 1 hour loans can be issued on Physical Sciences location, but not on Restricted Loans location. The due time shows as 11pm. But you may edit it to be due back 1 hour after we open the following day.

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