From the ALA TechSource blog –
A New approach to online information literacy instruction
“Scott Rice and Amy Harris are supporting educational initiatives at UNCG by creating an online information literacy game. The game uses a question-and-answer format and allows two to four students to play against each other by answering questions about information literacy topics in four different categories (such as Choose your Resource, Avoiding Plagiarism, and Searching and Using Databases). The game also has a one-player version in which students provide timed responses to questions. In addition to the four categories, special squares on the game’s Trivial Pursuit-like board ask students to find a specific piece of information on an actual website or to compare two websites based on a specific criteria (such as authority or currency). The game was created using AJAX to be adapted easily by other libraries. In this presentation, Rice and Harris hope to allow librarians to play the game while answering questions about its creation and showing librarians how to customize it for their own libraries.” More info….