The original library doing this had their own tracking system, but then they were giving away mp3 players to people who completed the programme successfully – we only get the joy of new knowledge etc. 🙂 So they suggest using 43 Things to keep track of your own progress.
43 Things is a social networking site where you can set yourself goals and either keep them private or share them and find out who else is doing the same thing – then you can chat with them about challenges and successes etc.
- (2 minutes) Create an account at 43 Things (yes, this means yet more passwords – I divide my passwords by level of security, so one I use only for my bank, and a couple I use for things I want to be pretty secure, and one I use for any old website – that’s the one I use for 43 Things)
- (5 minutes) Add the items from this list to your own list. This is a bit tedious, but going flat out I managed it in 3 minutes:
- click on each item
- click on the green “I want to do this!” button near the top right
- click your browser’s “back” button
- (2+ minutes, depending how much you explore) Click on the “Your 23 Things” button (third link in the blue bar at the top) to see your own list. Then
- click on a Thing you’ve already done
- click the brown “I’ve done this!” box
- (optional) in the yellow box, select whether it was worth doing / not worth it, and save
- (optional) write an entry – this is like a blog entry. By default it’ll just be on the 43 Things website, but if you also want to post it to your own blog ask me and I can help set that up for you
- click again on “Your 22 Things” and see how on the right there’s a heading: “[Your username] has done 1 thing”
- (just for fun) add your own personal goals to 43 Things as well. 🙂
- (5 minutes) write a blog post about your experience on 43 Things (if you haven’t created a blog yet, go back to these instructions