Nove Tuulua is a computer-phobic arts student who periodically asks me to look up book titles for him in the catalogue. For several years he would ring me, which resulted in painfully slow phone conversations lasting 5-10 minutes, occasionally even longer. Eventually I managed to persuade him to go to the help desk and ask for help there in future. But he is now asking for me at the help desk instead!
I have no objection to helping him if I’m already on the desk, but there’s no reason why whoever else is rostered on can’t deal with him themselves (i.e. without involving me). He invariably only wants someone to look up titles in the catalogue, eg. today it was books on the English vocabulary.
So if a mature Polynesian student asks for me at the desk, chances are it’s Nove. Just ask him what help he needs, but please, please, PLEASE… don’t call me!