Thanks for your feedback so far. Now that the system is up and running and is being tested, we are reviewing the subject categories and databases searched, and working on the technical problems that have arisen. Please continue to give feedback so we can continue with improvements (check out the changes so far at the bottom of the page).
Subjects and Databases
Please post your initial feedback here, or send your comments to Caroline Syddall, by the end of Thurs 6th.
Are there any subjects you’d like added, separated or combined?
Note that the law category is under review as there are very few legal databases that can be searched in federated searching.
Are there any databases you’d like added or removed from the subjects?
Note that in general each category will have a maximum of 5-6 databases.
Technical problems
Please email Tim Stedman with technical problems you come across.
If possible, please record: date and time of search, browser used, details of the search (e.g. subject or databases chosen and terms used) and details of the problem encountered.
Changes already made:
Proquest5000 added to QuickSearch and Select All
Default search option is now “Any”
InfoTrac OneFile added to Law (but the viability of a law category is under discussion)
Changes requested:
Wording for the number of results- to make the total number of results more visible
Move Select All to bottom of search screen (this will QuickSearch at the top in Search by Subject)
Remove “Directly to RefWorks” option from Export/Save and add RIS for EndNote
Put tick box by MathSciNet (database connection still being sorted out)
Other changes and questions on our list for SerialsSolutions:
Make “next results “ link at the bottom of the page bigger
Can we have a year range in Advanced Search?
Can the size of the font be increased