6 thoughts on “Learn to use the Library”

  1. How about "Help"

    If you go to "Get Help" now the first one on the list is "Teach yourself to use the Library" which takes you to "Learn to Use the Library" anyway.

  2. I agree with Adam. I think this should be under Get Help (or change name to "Library Help"?), because it is there anyway. I don’t think it needs a separate link.

  3. I actually quite like "Learn to use the library"; my impression is that there are students who want to do just that.

    For myself, I consider any link entitled "Help" as an option of last resort when all else fails (ie if either I or the website is too stupid for me to figure it out somehow else). Generally too I find myself justified in avoiding it because most help sections are utterly useless — but even aside from that I see the purpose as subtly but importantly different: "learn to use" is about basic getting started instruction, "help" is about troubleshooting after you’ve started and are now stuck.

    Hmm. "Getting started at the library"? Or in brainstorming mode, "Discover the library", or for novelty value "What’s the point?" though that’s probably a mismatch for the current ‘learn to use the library’ page. Or perhaps put it at the bottom of the list in bold and entitled quite simply (and mysteriously) "More"….

  4. I notice that the University of Auckland has a link entitled "Need help finding stuff?" Personally I think this wording is quite informal, but perhaps it would do the trick? Alternatively it could be "Need help using the Library?"

  5. Franklin Public Library has a slogan "Bookinopolis – The world in your library".


    I am not suggesting we pinch their slogan, but I wonder if we could think about something similar which suggests that the library is more than just books (not that I have anything against books)and somewhere students need to use in order to pass their courses – I think it would be nice to really promote the enjoyable aspects of the library – lovely views (mostly), peace and quiet (hopefully), meeting friends and using the study rooms, being near the cafeterias when studying, warm in winter and cool in summer (using less electricity in the student flat), excellent computer facilities, etc. Learning to use the library is important but it can sound a bit dry to some people – what about "have fun finding out what your library can offer you" – I know this sounds a bit bland, but perhaps others can come up with something better. I like Deborah’s idea about "discovering" the library – perhaps "Discover (or perhaps "find out") what your library can offer you – more than just books and PCs", might work. (This isn’t easy is it!)

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