We’re getting a new lift in Engineering Library due to the current one being a bit claustrophobic and not wheelchair-friendly. The project is expected to take 20 weeks.
So far a tree has been chopped down, a pit dug, and concrete laid. We’ve been doing a lot of preparation inside, too:
- in December we weeded and shifted our Z & A-Ps a couple of stacks over to make room for work on level 1
- last week we shifted the T-TA1 section a stack over to make room for work on the level 3 balustrade
- Adam’s helping us weed the Q-QDs, and then the bulk of the remainder will be moved to PSL
- we’re going to do some complicated shuffling of the S-SFs (forestry collection) and the TD-TGs which isn’t quite clear to me yet, to make room for work on the other side of the level 3 balustrade, and for the level 2 lift work.
We’re keeping a running description of the process up on Cog ‘n Blog (the “lift project” category) and we’ve also got photos up on our Flickr account.