According to the author Walt Crawford, at least some of the University of Canterbury library blogs have been described (along with blogs from 155 other academic institutions!) in his recent self-published book, a followup to a similar book he wrote about public library blogs.
I’ve downloaded the newsletter he announces it in, which has more information – it’s at L:\K_Eng\Deborah\Bits\civ8i2.pdf Quick summary: for each blog, the book gives the library, blog title and description, how it links in with the library website, who contributes; metrics about number of posts, comments, and illustrations (in a sample period) and average post length, date began, and visibility; and a sample blog post.
There is also a 2006 MLIS research project regarding library blogs. The author is Megan J Ingle and the title is Here a blog, there a blog, what about the library blog? This paper is in the library at Victoria University of Wellington, Call Number AS741 VUW A55 I51 H
I had a brief read of the paper and it is very interesting. Among other things, it looks into the common uses of library blogs. From memory, I think the author studied more than 100 library blogs.