Students have been looking for the 3rd edition of this text by Norman Dowling (2006)
The library has two copies of this both of which are out. I have recalled them and will put them on 3 hour loan once they have been returned.
The lecturer has given me several copies as well, one of which is currently on the non-library book shelf (I will put the rest on when I am here Tuesday afternoon). These are 1 hour in library use only copies.
Also I have removed the 2nd edition as the lecturer has said it is completley different to the third and he doesn’t want the students to get confused between the two.
Let me know if there any questions
*** UPDATE ***
Just to let you know I have added three non-library copies to Restricted Loan, their call number is Non-Library Book 08/01.
The books are all on the non-library book shelf when students ask for them.
Thanks Theresa