We’ve discovered a bug with the Meebo widget (used by students on the AskLIVE page). If users send a message with more than 255 characters then we won’t receive it. They won’t be given a warning that their message didn’t go through.
If you have a user who seems to have problems sending their message:
1. Ask them to make sure they hit enter or return after choosing a nickname.
2. Ask them to break up their question into shorter sentences.
We’ve made some changes to the AskLIVE page to warn users about long messages. We’ll also ask Meebo to fix the problem.
Other issues:
– The first librarian on AskLIVE each morning should send a “Welcome to AskLIVE” message so that we can check if all the messages are being logged from the beginning of the day.
– If you have trouble connecting Pandion to Meebo, please check that you have enabled Internet Enabler.
– Sound alerts in Pandion will only work if Pandion isn’t your active window (i.e. you have minimised Pandion or are working in another Window). If you leave your computer you should minimise Pandion so you can hear the sound.
Please contact Library IT if you encounter any problems or issues.