Federated Searching Response Time Testing – help needed

We will be testing the response time of SerSol federated searching on Tuesday 11th March from 4-4.15pm, prior to our ‘quiet launch’. If you have the time, we would appreciate your help:
1. Go to the Federated Searching page and do some searches during this time.
2. Give us your feedback, either by an email to me or by a comment on Counterculture. We particularly need to know: how many people went on; how fast the search (and getting the results etc) was and if any databases didn’t work. In your feedback, please include your name, which subject groups or databases you searched and any comments on performance.
Thanks very much

Watch that screen!

Please read and act on the check-in notes displayed on screen at Checkin points.
“Wanted – central Restricted Loans…” type check-in notes mean we want the item. Usually these notes are accompanied by a Workroom request but not always. Often the most urgent type of item has already been recalled by another borrower. In this case we can’t make the Workroom request numero uno in the request queue. So yes, the item will come up with a request for a real live borrower but Restricted Loans wants the item first. Occasionally there may be no request just a checkin note.