In the Insync survey last year there was a very strong protest by UC students about the presence and activities of some school pupils within this Library. There is a planned response to this in 2008.
Already a letter has been sent to local school principals from Gail.
Today a new poster has been put up by the front entrance, outlining the problem. School pupils are now on notice that Library staff may ask for Canterbury Card ID at any time. This is particularly so for those found above Levels 2 or 3.
It is intended to place these posters inside the four lift cabins.
There will also be signs placed on all group study room doors advising that they are a facility only for use by University of Canterbury staff or students.
Staff who “patrol” the group study rooms each day, and staff in evenings and weekends, please be vigilant about asking for ID at any time. If there are any problems with anyone unable to provide a current Canterbury Card, please get Security involved.
I thought anyone was entitled to use the library. Is this not the case?
No Adam – That is not the case.
See Library Regulations…
1. Use of the Library
1.1 The right to use the Library, for reading, reference
– members of the University Council;
– members of the University staff, including
– students whose tuition fees have been paid,
– retired members of staff;
– staff and students of institutions that have
the University of Canterbury Library.
Whilst it is not a right, do we want to exclude high school students, who are not causing any disruption, from studying in the Library? It is a privilege that can be withdrawn if/when it is abused.