Multi page printing

On Tuesday afternoon a student in the computer room printed from Blackboard. Something went wrong and 611+ pages were printed. I have sent an email to IT Helpdesk to tell them and hopefully they will be able to identify the student and credit their account.

3 thoughts on “Multi page printing”

  1. Yes this has happened when I was on the Help Desk here in the Central Library. In both instances I tried to contact the student or the lecturer of the course but I was not successful in getting a response to my queries !!!

  2. We had a similar situation in the Law Library on 14 June. We noticed that someone was printing a very large number of pages but most of them were blank or just had borders around the edge of the page. One of our AYO staff has written a note in our Log Book on 15 June regarding this – she notes that students are getting a message when they log in which says: "PRINTING MS WORD OR PDF files. To print Word or PDF files, you must download the file then use MS Word or Adobe Acrobat to print it. If you try printing these files from a web browser, the printers will jam up with wasted pages and your print account will rapidly become empty. Remember: DOWNLOAD THEN PRINT!

    Presumably this message is coming up for all students, but perhaps some are not reading it.

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