Endnote X1 on Macs

I have a customer wanting to search the libray’s catalogue through Endnote X1 on her Mac laptop. The Endnote Tools tab doesn’t have “Connect” and when we’ve try “Internet” instead, it crashes. Can anyone suggest what we should be doing? Thanks Caroline

3 thoughts on “Endnote X1 on Macs”

  1. Having tried recently to help a postgrad with EndNote on a Mac in his office I don’t feel that we are very well set up to support Mac users. I my case it’s simply been too long since I’ve used a Mac, adn the student was new to one as well!

  2. It may be a compatibility issue – a quick look at EndNote support points to How to Resolve Problems with EndNote 6 or later and Word on a Macintosh http://www.endnote.com/supp… – may be worth a try.

    Or maybe ICTS staff in the Loft have more experience with Macs and know something that could help.


  3. I have bought my mac into work today and am trying to get endnote xi working. So far I can get endnote talking to the catalogue. I am having connection issues with databases. Craig at the IT Helpdesk is their MAC specialist. He has been very helpful. The plan is to get it all working on my computer, then copy the files to a disc. We can then get someone to try the disc. If it all works then we are sweet.

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