Categories in Counterculture were set up so that there was a category for each branch, and another category “All Libraries” which is supposed to be used for postings that are relevant to all branches.
However, this name “All Libraries” has always caused some confusion, and I’ve had more comments about how confusing that is with the changeover to Camelot news. It is difficult to understand the difference between All Libraries (a specific category, different from all other categories) and All postings, which isn’t a category as such, but a link created by the blogs software that allows to you see all postings regardless of category.
To try to overcome this confusion, it has been suggested that we change the name of the “All Libraries” category to “Library Wide”. This will also change where this category appears in the list, as it is ordered alphabetically.
I’ve also just changed where the All postings link appears on Counterculture, so that it now appears at the top of the list of categories. I could also do this for other blogs if that was considered desirable.
Please note: As I’m away on leave after Friday, I’d like to make this change before I go on leave, so any comments need to be made before tomorrow afternoon.