PD&R update

I am just clarifying the process for PD&R in cases when a supervisor carries out the review rather than the manager.

The manager will have access to view the signed-off document, so that they can carry out their responsibilities for the area they manage, and to ensure that any planning or budgetary requirements as a consquence can be achieved.

I have discussed the above process with HR, and checked on all the University documentation, and HR fully agree that this is what the process should be, and this is to inform all affected staff are aware that this happens.

For all PD&R documents; they are signed off by the reviewer, reviewee and the University Librarian; print copies returned to the reviewer and reviewee, and the print copy is filed in the staff members personnel file, along with a scanned copy retained online.

The information contained on Camelot is up-to-date and comprehensive on the PD&R process, and should be used as the first point of call for any questions. For further questions, do not hesitate to ask me.


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