The work for the new lift on level one of the Central Library will commence on Saturday 29 November. The contractors will be working on Saturday and Sunday in order to get as much of the noisey concrete cutting work completed. There will be no Access to Level 1 from the library entrance and a hoarding will be placed about 1.5 metres out into the existing stairwell. There will be sufficient space left for the library users to use the stairs. The ATM and snack machines on level will not be available until mid January 09. From now until mid December the lift pit will be excavated and concreted. The contractors will be taking the concrete and dirt out along the walkway underneath the building. As the contractors are working within a relatively small area, the lift will have to be constructed on site. The contractors plan to check in with me on a regular basis so please let me know if you have any concerns. Notices are being prepared to explain to library users about the work and to apologise for any inconvenience. The current timeframe has the new lift in operation mid March 09.
Joan Simpson