At the LLT meeting on 2nd December 2008, the following Maori names were approved for the branch libraries:
Macmillan Brown Library: Te Puna Rakahau o Macmillan Brown (Macmillan Brown Spring of Research)
Law Library: Te Puna Ture (The Spring of Law)
Physical Sciences Library: Kâ Puna Pûtaiao (Ka – plural – referring to the different areas and aspects of Science)
Engineering Library : Kâ Puna Pûkahataka (Pu – burst forth/ kaha – with considerable force or energy, all of which refers to the action produced from an engine)
Education Library: Te Puna Ako (where Ako is to learn, study, instruct, teach, advise)
Previously at an LLT meeting on 11th September 2007, the following Maori name was approved for the Central Library:
Te Puna Mâtauraka o Waitaha: (which loosely means spring of knowledge of Waitaha)