Tena Koutou katoa
Ko Takitimu te Waka
Ko Aoraki te Mauka
Ko Aparima te Awa
Ko Kai Tahu te Iwi
Ko Te Ruahikihiki te hapû
Ko Ruahikihiki te tangata
Ko Alan King, a, ko Beverley Harnett ôku mâtua
Ko Sharon ahau
Ko Joshua toku tamaiti popoia
No Murihiku tatau katoa
Welcome – it is lovely to see so many of my friends from around campus here to share this morning team with me and my friends in the library. Thank you to Nekerangi for his support in teaching me Te Reo so I could acknowledge my heritage – a heritage that is a part of me. I am proud to have been awarded a scholarship for my first year of Audiology study because of my Mâori heritage.
I stand at the beginning of a new cycle in my life, excited to be facing a new challenge and a new career. I won’t be far away, just on the other side of the counter. Looking at the events of the past 2 months the pathway to studying Audiology has been made smooth – getting accepted was just the beginning of my blessings. I especially thank my friends for their support and encouragement to take this step.
The last 7 years have given me experiences that have added to my knowledge and helped me grow as a person.
Working in the Library and at the University has been a wonderful experience for me. I have had many fantastic opportunities for personal growth. I was looking over some of my papers and have been reminded of some of the highlights – receiving a VC General Staff awarded to complete the ICDL; attending a Telsig conference and presenting a paper about Camelot; being granted funds from Rosalind Patrick Development Award to attend the 2007 Tertiary Education Management Conference, 23 -26 September in Canberra, Australia and also receiving study leave to complete my Graduate Diploma in Management – I graduated with that certificate in December.
A lot has changed in the Library over that time. Staff have had to come to grips with new ways of doing things.
I recall that when I started working here as Gail’s PA the Library Management Team met once a month and that this quickly changed to weekly. CULE was a monthly then weekly newsletter – now it is a blog soon to become a wiki.
I moved around level 3 like I move houses! Frequently, making changes.
I have had the opportunity to work with a number of staff from around the campus and have made friends with many people and feel very at home on campus.
I enjoyed working on Te Reo Maori Language week, the Alumni Ball and the Records Working Group. I have had involvement in the Community of Practice for Administrators (COPA) and hope to see that continue. I also represented the Library on PURR – Regional Staff committee and made friends with Librarians from other Libraries in Christchurch.
I have had wonderful people to work with, especially my colleagues on level 3 – Gail, Maureen, Philip, Carole, Heather and Priscilla.
Looking over the past 7 years I realise how many wonderful opportunities I have been given and I am gratefully for working for such a wonderful organisation. It will be hard to find another employer like the Library.
I wish each of you all the best as you make decisions and live your life.
Thank you for coming.