Hello and welcome back to term time. As some of you will realise, and others will very soon find out a new course of Engineering Intermediate has started. ENGR 101. (780 students)
Their first assignment is a short essay about the Engineering Profession.
“Write an essay on what you understand a “professional” to be and how professional engineers fit this definition. You should use examples from more than one branch of professional engineering and include information on training and qualifications and the types of activities professional engineers are involved in, as well as broader characteristics of the engineering profession.”
They are required to reference all sources using the APA citation style.
We have presented a lecture and asked students to have a look at the Subject Guide for Engineering Intermediate for all the tips and tricks for the assignment. Most likely they will be asking alot of questions about how to reference (web pages, conversations, dictionaries, encyclopeadias etc) and possibly where to start. Please feel free to pass the buck and send any students you wish back to the Engineering Library as you see fit. The assignment is due on Monday 9th March.