What our users think of us:
- I have a search alert for twitter posts from NZ that mention the word “library”; recently someone wrote: “Even better the Macmillan Brown Library at UC has a copy–can show it to my students tomorrow :)”
- Someone in Christchurch, so they’re probably talking about our Law Library, writes: “Never underestimate the power of pointed stares in a silent law library when a phone rings. Looks can kill, along with deftly aimed pens.”
The World Digital Library, recently launched, “makes available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from countries and cultures around the world.”
OCLC have released a report on Online Catalogs: What Users and Librarians Want.
A librarian has added links to up-to-date information about swine flu on her undergrad medical libguide – includes a Google Maps mashup, links to official sources, social sources, and news sources. University of Iowa have created a whole Swine Flu libguide.