Filming in Central Library

Tuesday 2 June or Wednesday 3 June from 6 pm onwards
A group of 6 Fine Arts students have been given permission to film in the library. They plan to film paper dropping off level 3. I have recommended they use the area closest to the workroom to avoid student areas and the main entrance. They will be picking up any paper dropped at the completion of the filming. They are not expecting to take more than an hour from start to finish. The student I spoke with was Grace Campbell. Please support this group of students however ensure that the safety of all library users and staff is not compromised. Thanks

Also on Wednesday 3 June from 1 pm Steve Russell will be in the library filming a student using the self issue machine. With this footage he is going to combine a person signing the instructions. Steve will be using this film clip as a demonstration at a conference he is attending later in June. We will be able to put this film clip onto our website. Helen Doidge can be contacted if there are any queries regarding this filming.
Joan Simpson

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