Architectural drawings cabinets in Law Basement

Please do not store items on top of the architectural drawings cabinets in the Law Basement. Macmillan Brown Library staff need to have the tops of the cabinets clear so that they can take drawings in and out and sort through folders, which is impossible to do in the drawers themselves. They also need the tops clear so they can store there drawings waiting to be reshelved into their drawers. They can only transport the drawings to and fro in fine weather and want to be able to transfer the large backlog they have awaiting reshelving in one hit and then return them to their drawers even if the weather is awful and as time permits. Many thanks. Cynthia.

One thought on “Architectural drawings cabinets in Law Basement”

  1. In addition, the hefty bound journals have caused the top of the cabinets to sag and consequently it is now quite difficult to open some of the top drawers.

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