Not content with publishing fake journals, Elsevier’s marketing division recently decided to “offer $25 Amazon gift cards to anyone who would give a new textbook five stars in a review posted on Amazon or Barnes and Noble.” Upon exposure, it’s now recanted the scheme.
More New Zealand libraries on the social web:
- Lincoln Uni Library on Twitter;
- Otago Uni Library on Twitter and showing their Law Library refurbishments on Flickr;
Christchurch City Library staff on Flickr (with photos of Paul Sutherland’s 50th birthday party).
Photos of libraries to drool over:
- Republic Polytechnic Library, Singapore — lots of space; and
- Hjorring public library, Denmark — a red ribbon theme flows through the whole building; lots of bright colours and cool spaces; self-checkin.
A report from Cambridge University about what students are interested in doing on mobile phones: primarily opening hours, location maps, contact info, and access to the library catalogue.
A hilarious and very true rant on attending vendor training sessions; and a more serious post in response on how this applies to the kind of training sessions we give students.