A meeting was held on the 1st July with Peter Molony, Facilities Management, and Nick Courtney, University Architect, Gail Pattie, Heather Jenks and Dawn McMillan to discuss the feasibility of merging the Physical Sciences Library bookstock (PSL) into the Engineering Library at the end of this year. In the original plans, for the PSL bookstock to fit into the existing Engineering Library an area, known as “The Cave” and the small room opposite it needed to be utilised as shelving areas. A further meeting is planned for Tuesday 14 July to discuss the space options. The final decision on where PSL will be relocated to is dependant on this discussion.
Weekly meetings of library staff responsible for managing this project will be held, starting on Monday 13th July, with Gail Pattie, Heather Jenks, Dawn McMillan and Theresa Graham attending.
Regular meetings between the Library and the Tertiary Education Union (TEU) will begin next week. Gail Pattie, Heather Jenks, Dawn McMillan and Chantel Inch will meet with Union representatives to ensure that TEU is aware of each stage of the proposed merger.
On Friday 10th July, Gail Pattie, Heather Jenks, Dawn McMillan and Chantel Inch met to discuss a communication strategy for the process to ensure that all stakeholders are communicated with on a regular basis and kept up-to-date with progress made.
Heather Jenks