If a Proxy borrower wishes to place a request on behalf of their Authorizing borrower, this can be done WITHOUT sharing the Authorizing Borrower’s Username and Password as this is a breech of IT policies and opens access to My Pay etc.
The Proxy borrower needs to know only the Authorizing Borrower’s own barcode and their Horizon PIN. Since most borrowers these days do not know or need their Horizon PIN, the easiest thing to do is use the Horizon ‘Reset PIN’ programme (from Circulation) to reset the Authorizing Borrower’s PIN to be the same as their barcode.
This does not affect the Authorizing Borrower’s ability to use their Username and Password combination for their own requests, so there is no need for their permission to reset the Horizon PIN. The Proxy Agreement covers sharing of the Authorizing Borrower’s record and the requested items are held in the Authorizing Borrower’s name.