Getting people on-side workshop

Monday 28th September, Level 4 Training Room, 2-3pm

Deborah is facilitating a workshop for any and all interested Library staff as a run-through of her LIANZA Conference session “Getting people on-side: making allies to support your innovation”.

This workshop will open with a look at ways organisations react to new ideas, then focus on methods to favour positive reactions. We will:
* explore how to network across departmental boundaries to identify potential allies, recruit bystanders, and resolve concerns early
* discuss how to use techniques from multiple communication styles according to different situations, and how to recognise style clashes and miscommunications
* share our own stories of past successes, big and small, to inspire each other in new ways to approach future projects.

The workshop will be highly participatory, using ‘unconference’ – style techniques – which also means that the subject matter may differ slightly from what’s advertised, depending entirely on the interestes of those who turn up. 🙂 The more people come, the better an idea I’ll have of how these techniques work – and the unconference “rule of two feet” means that if it’s not what you expected, you can leave at any time.

So if you’re feeling even a little bit intrigued, sign up at Getting people on-side” workshop

Thank you.

Maureen Ruki

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