LibLime, an organisation which sells support to the New Zealand-developed open-source library system Koha, has recently announced changes to their practices that are technically legal but many feel don’t abide by the spirit of the open-source license. Library Journal has a basic summary of events with links to key discussions.
A libarian gets a marriage proposal on Ask a Librarian.
Customer service
Being at the point of need discusses placing screencasts, chat widgets, and other tutorials in the catalogue, subject guides, and databases.
Chalk notes as a valid communication format is a library manager’s blogpost about her response to chalk-on-pavement comments about the library. Her follow-up on chalk notes addresses the issue of communication within the library about public responses like this.
Tracking ILL Requests is a “wouldn’t it be neat if” post about providing more information on ILL requests to users.
The APA has an APA Style Blog with all sorts of handy tips.
10 free Google Custom Search Engines for librarians
5 sites with free video lectures from top colleges