Welcome to EL and PSL going live with Payment Plus today!
An update of changes, additions and issues.
Donna has updated the Library web page Fines and Payments to describe the new system from our borrower’s perspective. Note that the name has changed in ‘My Account’ to ‘Pay Online’. Thank you to Alison McIntyre for this suggestion – more instructive than ‘remote payment request’. The only change students will see is that they will now receive email confirmation of a fine payment. They are unable to pay lost book charges through Pay Online whilst we still use Registry invoices. This is being looked at.
Alert staff have reported that there is a real time delay for CSGold when logging in to pay separate charges on the same borrower record An example is logging in to pay a lost book fee, going out, then logging in again to pay fines for the same borrower. You will receive a message ‘Please wait until the previous transaction has completed. This will take up to 2 minutes.’ This means what it says – the fine payment has NOT been processed on either CSGold or Horizon. Log out, wait, then try again. Documentation will be added to the Wiki.
If you use the ‘Fines’ option to check a balance, the failure to pay the fine due to insufficient funds or a negative balance will trigger the ‘Remote Payment Failure’ block in the borrower’s record on Horizon. If you want to avoid this, use the ‘Balance’ option first before proceeding to a fine payment if appropriate.
A small but persistent problem is that where a fine is so old the ‘Max days with fines’ box appears, the box reappears in the borrower’s Horizon record even after the whole fine is paid. If there are no fines in the Current Blocks screen behind it, ignore and override. Library IT are working on fixing this.
Library IT will begin removing the old Diebold system, starting will Education Library this week and then other branches, Interloans and Bindery next week in the rough order that the branch or service went live.
Please continue to report problems and comment on the system.
Helen, I did a bad thing today and forgot to close the Horizon record before processing the fine payment via Payment Plus. When I checked the borrower’s account, the fine appeared to have been paid successfully. Is there anything else I need to do (i.e. is there something which might not have happened correctly "behind the scenes" as a result of my failing to close the Horizon record first?). Caroline Anderson
Caroline, you won’t cause any problems with the transaction if you don’t close the borrower record first – it’s just that your view won’t update. We just recommend you close the borrower record so that you don’t forget to refresh the view when you go back to check the record.
If you forget to do this first, then it’s fine if you just close the record and open it again after making payments in Payment Plus.