I have received feedback from some Library staff who regularly visit the Law Basement serials storage area. Visits are either to retrieve materials or deposit them back again.
Ceiling lighting in this area is as provided by FM, and the Library has supplied additional lighting for staff use in the form of portable halogen lamps, plus some hand-held torches.
Could I please have feedback on the individual perception of the lighting in this area from all Library staff who regularly visit it. This is to assist me in discussions with FM in the New Year.
Please send feedback to me by email.
I have frequently visited the basement. In many cases the low level of lighting requires us to "stoop & peer" and somecases grab the nearest torch for a quick confirmation.
Some of the moveable stacks are fine where the lighting is close and overhead, but the light spill is limited with the stacks in between the lighting being very dim. Material stored in the basement is not often clearly (visibly) labled making this process more difficult. Black stylus writing is particularly hard to read in poor lighting.