At an additional meeting of LLT on Thursday 21st January, LLT reviewed the decisions that had been made concerning the recall proceess. It was confrimed that there would be a 7 day guaranteed loan period and decided that there would be a 3 recall grace period in which the borrower can return the item after it has been recalled, and confirmed the 1 day fine grace period.
Other issues that were raised for Branch Leadership Team to discuss at the mnext BLT meeting on the 28th January were –
*look at overall procedures to do with loans and recalls including
Length of time for an item on hold shelf (discussed briefly at the REstricted Loans/High Demand meeting)
Length of “normal” loan period for undergraduates, could this be lengthened?
Differential in the amount paid for fines “normal” loans and recalls, should the “normal” loans fine be increased or the recall fine be decreased?
Please give any feedback that you have on these issues, or any other lending issues to your Branch Manager to ensure your opinion is part of the discussion.