Interloans for our users will now be supplied with a Book Wrapper. Borrowable Interloans will have a scene of the campus and Reference Only items the familiar Canterbury sunrise/set northwest arch.
It is anticipated that the wrappers will make it easier for users and Library staff to locate and process these Interloans, and hopefully be returned with the item!
The Interloans Team will be pleased to hear your comments – or those of any users.
Will the barcode be on the outside or do we have to break in to them at point of issue?
Good question. At this stage the temporary barcode for borrowable items will still be attached to the front page (inside the cover) – no change there. However we are considering having it on the wrapper. Reference Only have no barcodes with the item – the issuing to our campus libraries being done in our workroom and the paperwork retained there, so there will be no change there.
A couple of comments about this:
1. If the barcodes are on the inside then they become a handling hassle at the desk.
2. If they are on the outside they need to be very secure so they don’t get lost in the hamper run.