ProQuest Social Networking Resources

ProQuest has launched the following new resources:

ProQuest Trainers on Facebook
“Social media is all about community and our page on Facebook is a new venue for us to interact with you, our users. The ProQuest Trainers’ page on Facebook will be a forum to announce upcoming training and materials while also offering a chance to highlight the ProQuest-oriented materials created by you, our users. Those who “like” our page will be able to post links to the ProQuest tutorials and exercises they’ve created, as well, which we hope will result in a nice repository of internal and externally created materials.”

EEBO Interactions, a forum for EEBO users to discuss the works and authors found in the database.
“Welcome to EEBO Interactions, an experimental forum designed to let users engage collaboratively with the works in ProQuest’s Early English Books Online (EEBO) database. If you’re a researcher, a graduate student, a librarian, or a frequent EEBO user we are interested in having you participate in the EEBO Interactions community. While we welcome everyone to search and read all of the content in EEBO Interactions, only authenticated EEBO users can register to create a profile, contribute or edit Interactions, or become an editor.”


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