Library PressDisplay

There has been a suggestion that Library PressDisplay should be included as one of the database quick links on the Database page. As there are a limited number of database “slots” on the page, it has been suggested that General OneFile drops off.
Does anyone have comments/objections?

7 thoughts on “Library PressDisplay”

  1. I don’t know that I mind really.
    We will be fairly newspaper/newswire heavy on the Quick Links as a result though – Newztext, Factiva, and PressDisplay

    Dave C.

  2. Another suggestion re Quick Links – perhaps the EBSCOhost link, rather than going to the ‘choose databases’ screen, should go to EBSCO Discovery Service so that all EBSCO databases can be searched at once.

    (EDS link can be found on the Databases-E page, EBSCOhost record)


  3. I don’t know about using the most heavily used databases for the quicklinks. If they are the most used, people are obviously finding them and don’t need the assistance of the quick links. And it doesn’t allow for the introduction of a really useful new database like PressDisplay.

    Isn’t part of the librarian’s function to guide people to what we think are the most useful resources, particularly for the non-expert user, and also to highlight new resources that are likely to need easy and obvious links. On this page, I would have thought it would be the generalist databases which are most useful for the non-expert user, rather than the most used, which might be heavily influenced by one particular, and maybe specialised, user group.

  4. Many of the users of EbscoHost want PsycInfo or Eric and might be quite surprised if they found themselves searching all the databases. Let’s go with the original suggestion and drop off OneFile and include Library PressDisplay.

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