At a meeting called by the PVC Learning Resources today (Monday) it was decided not to proceed with this co-location project at this time. Sue McKnight, Peter Moloney, Peter Jackson (Campus Master Plan Project), Joan Simpson, Margaret Greville, Gail Pattie (on sick leave) and Heather Jenks were called together to discuss the proposed project.
A number of factors were taken into consideration throughout the discussion including-
short timeframe to achieve the outcome
without expanding the existing footprint of the Law Library we were not achieving a wold class learning space
cost of the project, initial costing were around $3.6 million
no allowance made for this project in the 2010 capital budget
and the impact of the Campus Master Plan
There will be further discussion around how the James Hight Building is to be utilised and the urgent work needed to the maintain the fabric of the Law School building. The PVC Learning Resources will call these meetings.
Thank you to all staff who have been working on this project, your input was greatly appreciated. A special thank you to Joan and her team for working with great speed to achieve the collections work that has been carried out to date.
Heather Jenks