CONZUL and Statistics NZ have resigned their agreement for another year. This means that staff and students from the University of Canterbury can gain access to New Zealand statistics and have these statistics presented in different ways to help them with their studies and their research. As the University Contact Officer, I have not seen the final allocation for the University of Canterbury for this agreement, however I requested between 20 and 25 hours, in the previous agreement UC had 19 hours which we over used in the end by aout 4 hours, making it a total for the year of 24 hours.
Information about this agreement can be found on the Library web pages by clicikng on databases and finding the database listed as Statistics for Universities.
If you have any questions about this agreement, who should use it or how to go about gaining access to the allocated hours for the University of Canterbury, please contact me either on ext 8720 or by email
Heather Jenks