Sharon’s Thesis Study – Development of a New Zealand Version of the Digit Triplet Test (DTT)

Hello to everyone,

I am now in the last few months of my Masters of Audiology and I am enjoying it very much.

I am now ready to start the second part of my study and need your help. At this stage, some of my test software is still being written but I would like to complete most of the hearing assessment testing first then have you come back for a quick 10 min session to complete the data collection.

I need 60 participants with any hearing abililty and any age (prefer over 18) I even need those that suffer from the male syndrome called “selective hearing”

Attached is a detail explanation of what is involved in Part B of the study. It will take approx 50 mins and is in two parts.

You will go in a draw for an iPod Nano.

I can be contacted on 021 159 7634 or email me at to set up an appointment.

I also have attached information on another study that is looking for people in the age group from 55 to 70 years old.
We were hoping in some cases to be able to share participants as some our testing crosses over into the other person’s study. My classmate Ali is running this study and can be reached at –

Ali’s study is called ” Effects of High Frequency Hearing Loss on Performance in the University of Canterbury Adaptive Speech Test (see attached sheet). He is giving participants a $10 petrol voucher.

The testing for both studies is done in the Research Lab located in Room 801of the Rutherford Building (8th Floor).

Many thanks for your support and look forwarding to catching up with you.


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