EPS Library had a recent occurence of a random unapproval preventing CKO.
A borrower’s record was opened but when the staff member tried to checkout the items, this message appeared “Borrower unapproved. The borrower record must be updated before CKO can continue.” If you continue past this message, Horizon puts you into the person’s Edit Borrower pages, including on page 2, the ‘Approval’ tick box at the end of the record.
In this situation – please look at the box. If it is already ticked, this is NOT a genuine unapproval. Close the record and try again.
This approval function allows the Library to deactivate a borrower if, for example the student has unpaid tuition fees and must visit the Registry first. I am one of the few people who has authorization to unapprove a borrower and I use it sparingly AND always in association with an Alert Block that explains what the borrower must do e.g. visit Finance and pay their debt. However, every now and again, this unapproval message appears during checkout for no apparent reason and quite unrelated to whether the box is ticked or not.
Despite investigation we do not know the cause of this fault, so it cannot be prevented. This means that library staff must remember how to determine whether the unapproval is genuine or random.