Anyone recieving offers from lecturers of personal copies of books for Central Restricted Loans, please explain we have space limitations and, while thanking them for the offer, accept only:
* Items already on the library catalogue, i.e. duplicates of things the library already holds where the library copy is inaccessible.
* Things lecturer’s know will be in high demand, probably material where they would normally have placed a library copy on restricted loan for their course anyway.
* Please send items to the Law Library (well labelled with the owner’s name so we can return them) marked something like “Personal copy for Restricted Loan, attention Jack Arron”, and with the course(s) they relate to so we can index them to be searchable by course and lecturer. If possible, fill out one of our pink Non-Library Book forms (can print one from here) and include that.
Restricted Loans will add personal copies as “Non Library Books”, as we already do, and they will be by default 3-hour loans available from the Law lending desk and for in-library use only. If lecturers specifically want a 3-day loan period they can negotiate that with us.