Disestablished staff procedures

Disestablished staff have been asking the following questions:

1) Do I have to sign something?
2) Is there a special pay on 30th November?

The answer from Chantel Inch is as follows:

My [i.e. Chantel’s] colleague, Jo Gouldthorpe who has been assisting with the redeployment process for staff will liaise with affected learning resources staff about the exit process i.e. final pay, assistance with superannuation, the process for requesting access to university services, etc (for those who are not pursuing redeployment opportunities). If any staff have any questions in the interim, they are most welcome to contact either Jo or me. Jo can be contacted by email on jo.gouldthorpe@canterbury.ac.nz or ext 45572.

3) Will I have Library borrowing privileges?

The answer to the final question is that staff who have been disestablished have been receiving library borrowing privileges as if they are retired staff. If there is any problem with this ask HR to check with me.


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