At the LLT meeting on 18 October, Gail reported that the Group of 8 libraries in Australia are discarding all their physical copies of the journals accessible through JSTOR as JSTOR have undertaken an obligation to keep 2 print copies of each journal. It was felt that UC Library could also discard print runs of “safe” journals available electronically through JSTOR. Ithaka S+R have developed a spreadsheet as part of their Ithaka Print Collections Decision-Support Tool that identifies what titles a library holds based on their subscription to various collections and what titles meet the requirements for a) not being image-intensive and b) having the obligatory two copies held at Harvard University and University of California.
If you look at the titles list on the spreadsheet you will see that there are three categories of titles highlighted. Turquoise highlighting indicates that the journals are not image-intensive and meet the US holdings criteia so UC could dispose of these titles. Mauve highlighting indicates that the journals are not image-intensive but they currently don’t have the copies at the two US print repositories. We could use our discretion with these, looking at other NZ print holdings, and either discard or store. Apricot highlighting indicates that the journals are image-intensive so we may want to consider keeping these in storage, depending on their relevance here at UC.
P.S. If you look at the spreadsheet, the UC tab is University of California NOT University of Canterbury. Cynthia.
We have committed to purchasing Arts and Sciences IX and Business III from 2011 so more titles will be added to the spreadsheets in due course.