I will try to do a regular update on Library Support Services (LSS)
LSS is rapidly catching up with the order backlog which should be clear next week. Please send through requests for order to acquisitions@libr.canterbury.ac.nz (Collections@libr also works). Use this form https://webapps.libr.canterbury.ac.nz/webdb/subscription_req.php for requests for new subscriptions. A number of Liaison Librarians have been asking about the targets for the monographs, this will be available very soon and is similar to 2010. A communication to LLOs will be sent out next week. We should be aiming to have 40% of the monograph budget committed by the end of March and we will be asking LLs to work with those who are having problems achieving this target.
Weeding and clean up of records
There are a huge number of changes to the Horizon records happening at the moment. This includes material being weeded, moved to storage, coming back from Crown or identified as problems in the RFID project. LSS are doing our best to keep on top of this as well as all the other resources stuff that needs to be done for the start of term.
RFID tags
We will stop tattle taping material for EPS and Central tomorrow as these libraries will go live with RFID before term. Law material will continue to be tattled until Easter. Every branch will have an RFID staff workstation so they can handle this material. Barcoding will continue for at least a year for all new material.
Earthquake resources
Most of the earthquake resources will expire at the end of February. We will need to start removing access before this to avoid frustrating users as it takes awhile for the records to update in various places. Decisions about continuing resources will depend on use and coverage. There is not a lot of money to play with. Comments for or against any particular resource should be sent to collections @libr where Tim will deal with it, as we are very interested in feedback. The decisions will go through the Datasets group and will be compared with everything else that has been recommended.
Short catalogue records
The backlog of material to be originally catalogued in the warehouse and other places will be given short catalogue records. If they are issued, then records will be upgraded. This will allow these items to at least be accessible.
Interloans and VDX
We are trialing the new VDX software for interloans at the moment. This will go live soon but there is no precise date as we need a payments gateway to be added to Te Puna interloans. The interface is still being changed but if you would like to have a look at the test version from a user perspective login to https://canterbury.vdxhost.com/zportal/ and use login cantpg password cantpg. Send comments to interloans@libr.canterbury.ac.nz.
National Store
This is slowly progressing. Sue McKnight is at a CONZUL meeting today to discuss the report going to TEC on the National Store. In principle UC is in agreement with this happening. Initially this will just be Serials.
Staff have been busy with the usual large mail at Christmas, end of year invoices and the cleanup after we moved our SWETS subscriptions to Ebsco for 2011. A lot of subscriptions moved to electronic at the end of the year and we will be reviewing the remainder of the print subscriptions for further opportunities to go electronic. There will also be a review of the donations to make sure they are still required and if so are they available electronically. Moving to electronic can create a lot of work if a series has been individually catalogued
There are a number of different practices for processing or handling of new material for each branch. Now that there is one team of people in LSS handling all material, this is getting very confusing. We will be talking branches about simplifying this.
We are reviewing all our practices to make sure they are consistent across LSS, and at the same time finding lots of little things to improve.