Since late last year we have purchased a number of e-book collections which contain nearly 7,000 individual titles.
The collections are:
Cambridge histories online (339 titles)
Cambridge University Press 52 selected titles
PsycBOOKS (1920 titles) available though Ebscohost
Science Direct engineering, pre-2007 (853 titles)
Springer behavioral science, 2011 (39 titles)
Springer biomedical and life sciences, 2010 (355 titles)
Springer biomedical and life sciences, 2011 (250 titles)
Springer business and economics, 2010 (243 titles)
Springer business and economics, 2011 (130 titles)
Springer computer science, 2010 (880 titles)
Springer earth and environmental science, 2011 (109 titles)
Springer engineering, 2009 (572 titles)
Springer engineering, 2010 (544 titles)
Springer physics and astronomy, 2009 (261 titles)
Springer physics and astronomy, 2010 (240 titles)
Taylor and Francis 90 selected titles – on order, should be available early August
Records have been added to the Catalogue for all the collections except Taylor & Francis, and the titles can also be found in Multisearch.
Peter H.
What are the Taylor & Francis titles? The link isn’t working for me.
Have the departments been informed?
Should the Liaison Librarians be doing this or has it been done already through the LLOs?
No not yet. It would be good if you could do this. You may need to explain that we only have access to the Springer titles which have the small green ‘full access’ box alongside them