We had anticipated being able to tag books at the lending desk once we updated the Circulation Assistant software with the latest version. While we are able to encode tags at the lending desk, we have found that we are not able to encode all the necessary information. This is because clicking on “Settings” to change the set size or media type causes the software to freeze. This issue has been raised with FE.
In the meantime, it is preferable for staff to encode tags using another FE software application called “Tag Utility.” This can be found on the desktop of all lending pcs with Circulation Assistant software added.
Circulation Assistant Software must be shut down before Tag Utility is opened because the RFID pad can only communicate with one software application at a time.
Once you have opened Tag Utility software, click on “Encode Tags.” From here it will look very familiar to the encoding function on the Circ Assist. However, please ensure you click on “Settings and follow the following steps before encoding tags.
1. Click on the tick next to “Use DVD Set Types” – this will turn DVD Set Types off.
2. Change Set Type to “No Sets” if a regular item, “First Item is Tagged” if a Group CKO.
3. Change Set Size to appropriate number if a group CKO item.
4. Change MARC Media code as appropriate (Book, Serial, DVD, CD etc).
5. Click OK to return to normal encoding screen and encode tag as usual.
You will not need to change any of the other functions.
I will endeavour to move around the libraries this week and am happy to demonstrate this tagging process to staff. Otherwise, you can email me any questions.
Fiona T
Edit to add – these instructions have been added to the wiki under “How To – Lending”