Evacuation from James Hight Building

At a recent forum on the James Building there was a question regarding the door releases on level 1. This is my response

In order to pass the 5 step process for reoccupation of the building all life support needs to be functioning. I do not have concerns regarding alarms, sprinklers or door releases.

I am aware of the concern raised from the February evacuation via the level 1 stairs. Please note it is not a break glass situation. The door releases require the person to push the glass in to activate the door release. Usually these door releases are very easy to operate. I do not know why staff had problems pushing the the glass backwards. If staff are concerned about these door releases then I am happy to meet with them and a security guard and we can practice releasing the doors.

The additional safety steps that have been taken to improve our processes are that:

There will be a separate button in the level 2 workroom which will release all doors on level 1 without calling the fire brigade.

We will have the ability to speak to all levels with a specific message.

As there was no fire, I hesitated to press the fire evacuation panel on the evacuation in June when I was in the building. Until the new button is installed staff will be pressing the fire evacuation button if we evacuate again so that by the time people get down to level 1 the doors should already be released.

Staff have been advised that they do not travel up the building to check for floor clearance, we clear from the floors we are on down. However, own safety comes first.

Joan Simpson

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