This is a question that pops up from time to time – if you wish to see a list of titles that have been ordered against a particular book fund this year there are a couple of handy little Titles by budget reports you can run (Titles on order and Titles bought). The “titles on order” report lists everything that is currently on order for a particular fund (but has not yet been received). The “titles bought” report gives you a list of items ordered and received in the library for a particular fund. You need to know the applicable fund code to run the report. The reports will also indicate other sources of recommendations, such as whether the order is a result of a patron-driven request or an interloan recommendation. I have taken the liberty of adding a link to these on the Academic Liaison Team wiki page – Tim Stedman.
Excellent, thanks Tim. Very useful to see how many titles from various codes are patron driven, for example.
Dave C.