Just a reminder that for the next couple of weeks, we’ll all be busy and often away from desks, so when you are at your desk can you please remember to log in to AskLive.
We may get extra traffic again because there’ll be an AskLive widget inside Learn course pages (as well as on the library website and subject guides) – raising the visibility and accessibility of the service.
If you’re promoting AskLive to students in an orientation event, tour or tutorial, it’d be helpful if you mention that, while AskLive itself is available almost all library hours, individual library staff aren’t so indefatigable! So in evenings and weekends AskLive can help for most things, but if students have a more in-depth question, we may get an expert to contact them back on the next working (or other appropriate) day.
And in case you’re curious – in the last year, we’ve had 1654 conversations on the main AskLive channel (including demos etc, not including chats on individual widgets). The busiest month was August (264), and the lowest was December (62 despite summer holidays).