“There will be no IT Workroom assistant working out of the Central Library workroom consultants’ office, level 2, on Saturday (26th May) 1pm until 4pm. There will be a sign posted on the door to this area.
We will ensure the printers have full paper trays at close of day today and there will be someone on duty on Sunday afternoon.
Printer paper is stored now in the area outside of the workrooms office, south west corner, level 2 (the paper used to be in cupboards at the back of level 2).
Over Queen’s Birthday weekend we will have a workroom assistant on duty Saturday and Sunday but on the Monday.
Study break, 5 June – 8 June, the evening workroom assistant will be on duty as usual and following that period there will be no workroom help out of hours until semester two begins.”
(Email from Averill Duncan, ICTS, 25/5/12)