Over the last two weeks the Warehouse has had some work done in order to accomodate books from levels 3 and 4 of the Central Library.
There is a plan of the warehouse here: K:\buildings_equipment\Warehouse-Layout August 2012.docx
There are only two collections of un-catalogued material left in the warehouse, the Grimes Collection and the Colonial Blue books. The National Council of Churches collection is partially catalogued and items in this collection should have a note somewhere in the Bib or item record. Otherwise everything should be in three LC sequences (Serials sequence 1, Monographs sequence with some serials and the Horrie Brown (Australian Statistics)sequence). There is nothing (catalogued) left outside the sequences apart from two shelves of extra large items (which have a PAC note on them,) the NCC collection and the List and Index Series. There is also a shelf of what appears to be duplicate NZ yearbooks.
All other collections of uncatalogued material have been moved to DA03 and are in about 280 Crown boxes.
Everything in the warehouse should be on the catalogue now although many serials have no item level records
Tim O’Sullivan
THe annual reports are also still in the Warehouse and are shelved in the Q-QE section of the main serial run.